IE Couples Counseling

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30 Date Night Ideas to Do This Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!

Valentine’s Day can put a lot of pressure on couple’s to try and come up with grand gestures that are fun and unique. Our therapists at Inland Empire Couples Counseling have come up with 30 date night ideas you can do in the Inland Empire or from home!

Just remember that nothing beats quality time spent together.

Dates You Can Have In Person

  1. Have an Indoor Picnic Together

    Go grocery shopping together and pick out only your favorite foods! To make it even more fun, pick out each other’s favorite foods and surprise each other at the picnic.

  2. Game Night & Dinner

    Go out to dinner or cook something at home together and then at the end the night playing a game you both enjoy!

  3. Create Art Together

    Make a craft together or create homemade valentine’s cards together.

  4. Tour A Place You’ve Never Been To

    Download a travel app and search the city you live in; you’ll be surprised at all the cool places you might find!

  5. Indoor Skydiving

    You might not be an adrenaline junkie but this date is a perfect mix of vulnerability and adrenaline and is a great way to bond together.

  6. Plan Your Dreams Together Over Dinner

    There’s nothing sweeter than daydreaming about the future, especially when doing so with your partner. Write down adventures you want to have to have together and pick which ones you want to do ASAP!

  7. Take a Drive to a Place You Have Never Been To

    Use a roadmap instead of GPS to make things really interesting or for an added twist: randomly make turns for a specified amount of time and do something fun wherever you end up!

  8. Find a Recipe To Make Together

    Pick something neither have you have made before and have some fun!

  9. Rent Paddle Boats

    If you live near a body of water, rent some paddle boats and watch the sunset together.

  10. Go to a Aquarium or Zoo

    Aquariums and Zoo’s are fantastic places to go on a date. There is so much to see and talk about!

  11. Stay in Bed and Have a Lazy Day

    Turn on your favorite movie or tv show, order some food in, and spend all day in your pajamas with your loved just relaxing.

  12. Have a Bonfire on the Beach

    If you’re local to California then you know that a beach bonfire is a time-honored tradition in California. Make sure you do your research before going as each beach has their own set of rules for having a bonfire.

  13. Explore Food Trucks

    Search Food Trucks near you and go explore! But don’t forget to tip. ;)

  14. Make a “Couple’s” Time Capsule

    Put mementos from your relationship in a box and bury it somewhere safe. Then set a date for when you both will open it.

  15. Build a Fort Together

    Channel your inner child and build a fort together! String up lights and eat your favorite snacks together.

  16. Take a Dance Class

    You can find a class near you in person or find a course online to do in the comfort of your home.

  17. Visit the Laugh Factory

    Find a Laugh Factory or Comedy Club near you and enjoy the night out together!

  18. Have a Breakfast Date

    Make heart shaped pancakes for some valentine’s spirit!

  19. Visit the Victoria Gardens

    Visit the outdoor shopping center to pick up something thoughtful for your partner. Victoria Gardens also just so happens to have plenty of photo opportunities! Visit the Locks of Love (on Monet Avenue) and put up your own lock!

  20. Visit UCR Arts Block

    Take a stroll through the UCR Arts Museum to encounter an immersive experience of major exhibitions, artist projects, performances and community programs.

  21. Go Axe Throwing

    Trying to thinking of something new and unique to do for date night? Try Axe Throwing! It’s never boring and is a great venue to be interactive with one another.

  22. Body Painting

    Put a sexy spin on paint night! Lay down some white sheets and take turns painting each other and see what kind of designs you can come up with. Just make sure your paint is non-toxic!

  23. Take a Master Class Together

    Take a class together doing something new! If you don’t want to use Master Class, try searching on YouTube for the kind of class you want to take.

  24. Backyard Camping

    Backyard camping provides a perfect way to get outdoors, but still be close to home. Make it romantic by stringing up some lights, drag your mattress outside, and gaze at the stars together.

  25. Take Turns Surprising Each Other with Date Nights

    Don’t over complicate it. The most romantic thing you can do is just putting thought into whatever you do for your partner, no matter how grand it is!

Date Ideas For Long Distance Couples

  1. Snail Mail With Your Scent on It

    Write your partner a love letter and spray it with your favorite perfume or cologne.

  2. Watch a Movie or TV Show At the Same Time

    Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party) lets you synchronize your movie/tv show over multiple platforms and even has a group chat option.

  3. Send Surprise Deliveries

    Is there anything more exciting than receiving a surprise in the mail and finding out it’s from your loved one? I don’t think so!

  4. Game Nights

    You can play games like charades over video chat or even better, find a virtual game that you can play each other in.

  5. Plan Your Reunion

    Get excited to see each other again! Plan out the things you two will do when you reunite and make a memory box to keep the mementos.

Thinking of booking an appointment? We offer online and in-person counseling services in Riverside, CA; and online counseling services in Temecula, CA! Have questions about counseling in general or for us specifically? Visit our FAQs page to find out more!