Frequently Asked Questions
About marriage counseling in Riverside CA and Murrieta CA
80 minute sessions are $295-$375 and 50 minute sessions are $195-$250. We recommend 80 minute sessions for couples.
Not sure you can afford the fee? Read more here.
Every week. This is for your benefit. We know from experience working with lots of couples that you need to come frequently and consistently to see results. This is supported by research. Couples who get their therapy intensely in the beginning get better results and get better faster than those who do the same number of hours of therapy spread out over months and months. Your relationship is worth the investment.
At least 3. Usually by the time you’re looking for professional help, your problems are more complex than can be understood and fixed in 1 session. If they were that simple, you probably wouldn’t be looking for our help. You’re paying for our professional expertise, and we want to make sure we’re giving you the best help we can for your relationship. This takes a little time. We spend the first 2 sessions really getting to know you, your relationship history, and where you tend to get stuck. By the third session your therapist will be ready to give you specific feedback and recommendations for how you can get the relationship you want.
Beyond the first three sessions, how many sessions you need depends on you. Some problems are more complex than others and take more time. Some people do lots of work on their own in between sessions and may need fewer sessions before they feel confident in their new relationship skills and ability to handle their problems without the support of a therapist. We will help you track your progress, and when you’re ready to finish your sessions, we will celebrate with you and give you tips for how to maintain what you’ve achieved.
We do. Read more about Solo Relationship Counseling here. If you’ve looked around the website or read some of our blog posts and think you’d like to work with us, give us a call! We’ll decide if working together is a good fit. If not, we’ll help you find the right person for you.
Inland Empire Couples Counseling has a main office on Arlington Ave in Riverside, California. We also have an office where we do individual and marriage counseling in Murrieta, California. We can also do home or office visits in the Inland Empire and online counseling sessions for people in California.
The short answer is no. We really wish we could but our therapists are only licensed in California. If you are in a long distance relationship but at least one of you is a resident of California, we can still see you! Reach out to us for a referral if you live outside of California, we have worked with some really great therapists in the United States and would love to send you their way!
That depends on your insurance. We’re not in-network with any insurance providers. You could be reimbursed for our services if your plan has out-of-network coverage.
We use a service called Thrizer to help you get reimbursed for out-of-network services at our practice. Just tell us you want to explore insurance reimbursement, and we’ll get you set up.
It depends on the specifics of your plan. Sometimes an insurance plan will cover marriage counseling if the person covered by the plan has a covered mental health diagnosis (depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, etc) and marriage counseling is part of the treatment for that diagnosis. We won’t make up a diagnosis just to get your sessions covered, but we will help you understand the paperwork if you decide to go this route. Unfortunately, many insurance plans don’t cover counseling services for things like marital problems and getting parenting help because they are not considered “medically necessary.”
Yes! It can (see question above for more specifics). Using your insurance can be a great way to make counseling more financially accessible. You may have restrictions on how many sessions are covered and which providers you can use. Check with your plan. Some approved providers and clinics are so busy you may wait 4-6 weeks between appointments. Our clients come weekly. You can get the same help from us in 6 weeks that it might take you 6 months to get somewhere else!
You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost.
Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services.
You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.
You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.
If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises.
You will be provided a Good Faith Estimate when you sign up for services and any other time you request one, including before signing up for services. We recommend at least 3 sessions, the average number of sessions for our practice is 12, and the exact number you will need depends on your individual circumstances and needs.
Ready to get started?
Schedule your free consultation for marriage counseling in Riverside CA and Temecula CA
Not sure where to start in finding the right couple’s therapist? Click below to schedule your free private 15 minute phone consultation with one of our licensed relationship experts. Alternatively, learn about online relationship counseling and secure video sessions. Or, if your partner is not willing to come to couple’s counseling right now, check our our solo relationship counseling option.

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