Rebecca Williams LMFT
Queer Couples Therapist in Riverside CA
A confident, compassionate relationship therapist - here to encourage, empower, and inspire you to have the best relationship possible
Do you miss your partner?
You see them every day but you feel like you hardly know them. You miss the days when you were best friends and lovers. You don’t know how to go back to the relationship you used to have, maybe you doubt if it’s even possible to have that happiness and connection again.
I’m Rebecca Williams; and I can help you heal your hurts and fall in love again. I have a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Loma Linda University and am licensed in the state of California (Lic. No 81817). I’m a parent, sister, daughter, friend, business owner, business coach, member of several chosen families, and proud queer woman.
I want to give you the very best service I can and am committed to learning the best techniques in the field to help you get the happy, loving relationship you want. Since graduation I have done advanced training in addictions treatment, family therapy with teens, various couples therapy approaches, and have been a speaker on helping individuals and families navigate a loss of faith, with the coming out process, and helping organizations with wellness and leadership. I am always reading and learning to better help my clients. (Really! I’m usually reading 2-3 books at once.) If you come in with something I don’t know about, I will find an answer for you.
As a camper, hiker, and backpacker, I know the work, planning, and commitment it takes to do hard things like forgive, change, and repair your relationship. I also know what it’s like to feel afraid and discouraged, to feel so tired you don’t know if you can go on. And I know the amazing feeling of getting to the top of the mountain you didn’t think you’d be able to reach. I want to be a guide to help you and your partner overcome the obstacles in your way and rejoice together on your mountain top.
Superpowers in action
You can see Rebecca in action in this presentation to formerly religious people about how to maintain good relationships with their faithful family and friends.
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for queer couples counseling in Riverside CA
Rebecca is a skilled and compassionate therapist who also has a sense of humor. She says that one of her therapy superpowers is to help families and couples connect across the religious-secular divide.
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