Couples Therapy Retreats
Your Personalized Marriage Retreat in California
When you are ready to fix your relationship, when you’re motivated to change. When you just can’t stand the distance between you anymore, help can’t come fast enough.
You might have looked into a couples retreat in California or couples therapy near you. Some good couples therapists near you might have long waitlists or only be able to see you once every 6 weeks. This is not enough for you to see the changes you want to see in your relationship! Or maybe the couples therapists near you only focus on couples in crisis and you’re not exactly in that place. You just want to feel like you and your partner are best friends again. But you need more than a nice vacation. At Inland Empire Couples Counseling, we have a solution for you! Couples therapy retreats are a combination of a relationship retreat and couple’s counseling, and allow you to dig deep and make real change quickly.
What is a couples therapy retreat?
Your couples therapy retreat is about improving your relationship and removing the blocks that keep you and your partner disconnected and dissatisfied. In just two days, our therapists are able to accomplish what might otherwise take weeks or months of couples therapy. Whether something is off in your friendship, partnership, or romantic relationship, we will help identify what’s missing, solve some problems, and send you home with concrete things you can do to keep your relationship strong and deeply connected.
You come to our couples counseling office in Riverside CA or our marriage therapy office in Murrieta CA for two days of reconnecting, learning new skills, and intentionally creating space for your love to grow and deepen. We recommend combining your couple’s therapy intensive session with a night at a hotel to make it a real relationship get-away.
Click here to learn more about what you can expect during the retreat.
Is a marriage retreat in California right for us?
You can’t find time for your Reletionship
Couples Counseling is Not Enough
Your Reletionship is Stale and Routine
Your Want to Prevent Divorce
You find that life just keeps getting in the way of your relationship: you and your partner are busy, lots of people depend on you. Despite your best intentions, you jobs, kids, friends, family, and hobbies fill up all your available time and there’s just nothing left for your relationship
You’ve done couples counseling in the past and find the 45-50 minute sessions just aren’t long enough for you to get to what really needs to change in your relationship
Your relationship has become stale and routine. You’re not miserable. You’re not in crisis. You still like each other okay but don’t really enjoy your time together. It seems there is a lot you’re not talking about but when you’re together you can’t seem to find anything to talk about.
You want to prevent divorce. You really don’t want to get divorced. You’re not in crisis but you both can see that if things don’t change between you, you will want to get divorced in a few years. An intentional break in your old patterns through a couples therapy retreat can help you change the course of your whole relationship!
What’s included in our couples therapy retreat?
A completely personalized experience: a marriage retreat that’s just for you!
30 minute phone or online session per individual (or 1 hour together) prior to the intensive to help your couples therapist(s) get to know your concerns and ensure the retreat is going to help you
The Gottman Connect Relationship Checkup to learn about your relationship strengths and challenges
One hour online session prior to the intensive where your couples therapist(s) will help you get clear on your priorities for your retreat and review your Gottman Connect questionnaire results
Day 1: Four hours with your therapist(s). This is typically divided into two 2-hour sessions with a lunch break between
Activity to help you connect and/or relax in the evening of Day 1
Day 2: Four hours with your therapist(s). Usually two 2-hour sessions with a lunch break, though this can be modified according to your specific needs and preferences
One more hour with your therapist in the 1-2 weeks following your retreat. This could be another couples session or a 30 minute one-on-one session per individual in the week after the intensive to help you absorb all you experienced and/or troubleshoot any problems
A plan for the two of you to take home after the retreat to help you stay on track and implement the changes you’ve made
Beverages, snacks, and any materials needed
Any of the above can be modified to meet your unique needs
Click here to learn more about what you can expect during the retreat.
Wow! That’s a lot.
It is. And you are so worth it. With one of our couples therapy retreats, you get in two days what would take 6 weeks to accomplish in regular weekly sessions! That’s 5 extended couples therapy sessions, the pre-retreat mini sessions, your activity, the Gottman Connect Relationship Checkup results, AND the invaluable experience of setting aside time to invest in one of the most important relationships of your life.
What does a couples therapy retreat cost?
Total cost for the couples therapy retreat: $3500
Cost for two therapists to work on your relationship during your retreat: $5000
Contact us to discuss how scheduling an intensive can help you make quick but lasting changes in your relationship.
Read more about ourMarriage Retreats in California
Quality information you can trust from relationship experts!