Online Couples
Therapy in California

Online Couples Therapy for people in California. Our relationship experts are here to help.

Any of our available services can be provided virtually for your comfort and convenience.

Finding couples counseling online or marriage counseling online can be extra complex when you or your partner travel for work, live apart, or have complicated schedules that make getting TO the therapist’s office next to impossible. We understand. We can provide secure video sessions whether you and your partner are traveling or are connecting in from different places in the world.

Meet Our Therapists

  • Jackie Flietstra LMFT

    An empathetic and dedicated couples therapist committed to helping you through your darkest moments

  • Erik 'Mike' Sebourn AMFT

    A committed, caring, intuitive therapist willing to help you do whatever it takes to find relationship happiness.

  • Rebecca Williams LMFT

    A confident, compassionate, intelligent leader here to encourage, empower, and inspire you to have the best relationship possbile.

  • Krista Sabados AMFT

    A compassionate, insightful, and dedicated therapist ready to support you in creating the fulfilling and connected relationship you deserve.

 Schedule a Free Consultation

For online couples therapy in California

Not sure where to start in finding the right couple’s therapist? Click below to schedule your free private 15 minute phone consultation with one of our licensed relationship experts. If your partner is not willing to come to couple’s counseling right now, check our our solo relationship counseling option.