Debunking Myths About Online Therapy

Is online couples counseling effective? Can I do my online couples counseling from anywhere? There are lots of questions and misconceptions about doing online couples therapy. Marriage and Family Therapists Rebecca Williams and Gloria Magaña debunk some myths about online couples counseling in this video!

Myths about online therapy:

Myth #1: Online therapy is not as effective as in-person therapy.

Myth #2: Online therapy is not confidential.

Myth #3: Online Therapy can be done anywhere, even in a public space.

Myth #4: Online therapy is for everyone.

Myth #5: Therapeutic rapport cannot be achieved online.

Myth #6: Anyone can just pop-up on my screen and be a "therapist."

Myth #7: Because my therapist is online, that means I don't need to schedule an appointment.

Myth #8: Online therapy is cheaper.

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