Taking a Break: Communication Skills for Relationships

Consult a Therapist Series

Many of us were never taught basic communication skills or we lived in families where we saw a lot of what not to do, a lot of bad communication, and not enough good communication skills for relationships. Or maybe you had great examples of how to communicate in relationships and could use a refresher.

In this video, Stephanie and Rebecca discuss how to take a break when a conversation or argument gets intense, why this is helpful, and how to take a break in a way that leaves your partner feeling respected and not abandoned. It’s one of the best things you can do for your relationship!

Was watching this video a homework assignment from your therapist?

Put this skill into practice before your next session. We’ll want to know how it went. If you had great success, we’ll celebrate with you. If implementation was rough, we can help you figure out what went wrong and get you back on track.

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Using I Statements: Communication Skills for Relationships


Calling a time-out: 7 tips to help you take a break and preserve your relationship