What's Different About Online Couples Counseling?

Did you know you can do couples counseling online? It's true! We know that anything online during this time can seem laborious and mundane. But online couples counseling can be amazing and successful.

In this video and blog we talk about what are the pros and cons of online couples counseling, some things are better and others are just different. Online couples counseling can be a convenient way for you to access couples therapy and may let you work with a therapist specializing in your type of problem but who is too far away for you to drive to. We provide online couples counseling to couples throughout California.

What’s Different?

In our previous blog post, we discussed how to be successful in online couples counseling; but you may be asking yourself “Why would people choose online counseling if in-person is an option?” We talk you through that.

  1. Time Saver - Online counseling offers flexibility in scheduling, not having to factor in commute time, and it allows you the opportunity to take a break after a hard session instead of having to get into the car immediately with your partner.

  2. Comfort - People are often more comfortable taking the first steps to start therapy if all you have to is sit down on your couch and hop on your computer. We also find that more people are more comfortable with opening up in their own space.

  3. Ease - Most technology platforms have now made everything being online, documents and video sessions, super easy to use with very little learning curve; it is as easy as point and click. Being online also allows for more appointment consistency.

  4. When To Do In-Person Sessions - clients who are prone to flashbacks or PTSD, clients in immediate crisis, and clients who struggle with the ability to control their anger should pursue in-person sessions instead of online counseling.

Do you still have questions about counseling in general or us specifically? Visit our FAQs page to find out more!

We are now offering online and in-person counseling services in Riverside, CA; and online counseling services in Temecula, CA!!

Would you like to work with one of our therapists?


When To Seek Marriage Counseling


How To Be Successful In Online Couples Counseling