How To Be Successful In Online Couples Counseling

Consult A Therapist Series

Is online couples counseling effective? How does it work? Is it better to do in person sessions? We understand that the thought of online couples counseling can be daunting and overwhelming, especially when you haven't done it before and just want some answers to your questions. Some of you may thinking "is this even possible?". We assure you, it is!

In this video 2 of our experienced therapists, Rebecca Williams and Aliah Hasan, talk about how to make online counseling successful for you and your partner.

Successful Online Couples Counseling:

  1. Work together to find a therapist - It will help you start therapy with a foundation of working together. It will also insure that you find a therapist who works for both you and your partner.

  2. Find a comfortable, safe place for sessions - Find a comfortable spot with as little distractions as possible where you are more willing and able to open up to your partner and your therapist.

  3. Come with an open mind, ready to receive - Don’t be close minded or assume you don’t need to change or do work. Come ready to get help and receive advice.

  4. Be honest and understanding - Be honest with yourself, your partner, and your therapist. Be open to understanding your partner and having empathy towards them.

  5. Be consistent and ready to work - Show up to each session for each other. Do the work, in and out of the sessions, in both the good and bad times.

  6. Be physically in the same space as your partner, if possible - This will help you better connect with your partner, allowing you to have more success in your sessions.

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Put this skill into practice before your next session. We’ll want to know how it went. If you had great success, we’ll celebrate with you. If implementation was rough, we can help you figure out what went wrong and get you back on track.

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